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Giving away 2nd acc with Cromwell B and Centurion

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Giving away 2nd acc with Cromwell B and Centurion

Postby Cannot_Gitgud » 01 Mar 2016 01:56

I created a 2nd account a while ago to get the T95E2 on my main account (it is a recruit account linked to my main). I made it to the Centurion which is fully upgraded and about 50% on the way to the Cent. 7/1. It also has a Cromwell Berlin on it for credit making, no premium days left. Since I focussed on playing SH with you and grinding several new lines (CZ and FR) I don't have the time to get the tier 10 on my alt account too.

I am offering this account to people on this forum for free, all I ask is that you finish the grind to tier 10. Otherwise, feel free to do with it whatever you want. If interested PM me so I can change the password for you, the email adress is an outlook adress that I created for this account. Account name is Martin_NL, if you want to change that using gold, feel free to do so.

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