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List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 23 Apr 2014 23:28
by RedlineRailgunningRemmel
Ok i need to make a hardest1 list it here so here goes:

    - People at start of battle who were afk and don't look around and cut you off by driving in random directions on maps where you need to be fast
    - People who ignore scouts running around or low tier suiciders
    - XVM arty targeting you the whole time even when unspotted for minutes
    - People calling for help when they are 1sec away from destruction
    - "Bouncing on new paper German TDs and they in turn high roll you.

>:) :angryseal: :popcorn:

Re: List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 23 Apr 2014 23:55
by Not_a_Tesla

Re: List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 23 Apr 2014 23:56
by Brati007
Remmke wrote:Ok i need to make a hardest1 list it here so here goes:

    - People at start of battle who were afk and don't look around and cut you off by driving in random directions on maps where you need to be fast
    - People who ignore scouts running around or low tier suiciders
    - XVM arty targeting you the whole time even when unspotted for minutes
    - People calling for help when they are 1sec away from destruction
    - "Bouncing on new paper German TDs and they in turn high roll you.

>:) :angryseal: :popcorn:

this all << playing with inxenity

Re: List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014 00:25
by wetlioN
xen sending me skauting in wtpz4 while he is driving e50m

Re: List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014 00:41
by Pastaiolo
Idiots pressing F7 at the start of the round D:<

You are surrounded by friendlies, you don't need help yet :@

Re: List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014 00:50
by H311fi5h

Srsly, this game would be so much better without artillery. Can't say it often enough.
Sry scud

Re: List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014 01:32
by AngryBanana

I always drive into rocks, they just have too much camo, and then WG even puts a lot of them in bushes to make it worse. The worst are those very tiny rocks that still take all of your speed, like this muthafucker somewhere around here:
I always drive into it whenever I want to rush hill >:)

Re: List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014 01:41
by burnzilla
- people who don't speak nor understand english

Re: List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014 02:46
by Paris_Hilton
siema kto PL

Re: List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014 09:29
by hypnotoes
some random fuking 500-1500 effi jerks calling you names. I'm much happier irl ever since I disabled chat
xvm clickers (I'm not even purple and this is becoming an issue)
blocking (either retreat or my shots)
dying early and having to watch pubbies play!!!

Re: List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014 09:38
by wetlioN
playing slow tanks :sleepingseal:

Re: List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014 09:45
by gigeli
-People calling you hacker, party pooper or no-real-life-guy before the match, and if you don't win it for them they again start to swear at you.
-You driving a low tier tank which can barely make a difference and of course you are getting targetted by high calibre arty.

Re: List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014 09:59
by Marliini
-Especially artillery who use XVM
-green/barely blue players giving me advice/starting to insult me after they have been killed

Re: List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014 10:23
by Bowser_nl
We should just make a list of things that are fun in this game, would take a lot less time. >:D

Re: List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014 10:27
by dUG1
1) XVM-based one handed wankers aka 95% of arty players
2) RNG having too much influence on battle outcome
3) connected with 2 - lossing streaks on a 3000+ WN8 session
4) IQ 80 playerbase
5) KV-4 grind :(

Re: List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014 10:37
by Marliini
dUG1 wrote:5) KV-4 grind

The only tank that I have ragesold and not finished the grind. I thought that ST-I can't possible be worth the suffering with the KV-4

Re: List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014 10:45
by BoogieM
Full HP heavy tanks that stay way back and ask you to spot so they can snipe (especially annoying when you play RHM; WT PZ4; Turtoise).
Scouts that don't scout and try to snipe!
Teams that leave entire lines undefended and don't react to defend the base afterwards even if you draw attention several times.
When you hold a line even if you are overpowered by the enemy forces (5 or more to 2) and the rest of the team dies on the other flank without killing anyone.
Encounter battle that ends up with the fast capping of one of the team (mines is a notorious map for this)
Bouncing a tomato after aiming on a weak spot (shot goes god knows where) and than he snap-shots you for full damage- especially annoying when you know he should have a slim chance of penning you.
Aiming with arty > target in the circle > shots go very wide and over the target (thank god for that bug fix when arty shots were hitting the ceiling and exploding in mid air or landing 200 m from where you aimed)
Grinding arty (you are too dependent on your team - especially the T9 french which is low damage and a long fricking grind!)
Full speed first shot from scouts that are miles away but pen you and damage your ammorack.
Penning shot after shot on an enemy tank but bouncing/missing the killing blow.
Grinding slow tanks (you either don't get to the battle in time or half your team is dead by the time you can engage)

This all could be summed up like:
- tards
- rng
- grinding tanks that are highly situational

Re: List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014 13:26
by CandyVanMan
Clickers, both arty and TDs, even those on my team.
They are scum and should be shot.

Re: List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014 13:41
by Xen
Bad players
Polish players
Non-english speaking players
Goldspamming players
Statpadding players
sealclubbing players
XVM arty players
Camping players
Bushwanking players (TD and arty)

Pretty much everyone but good players.

Re: List of most annoying things in-game

PostPosted: 24 Apr 2014 13:54
by wetlioN
Xensation wrote:Bad players
Polish players
Non-english speaking players
Goldspamming players
Statpadding players
sealclubbing players
XVM arty players
Camping players
Bushwanking players (TD and arty)

Pretty much everyone but good players.

pretty much xensation