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Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014 10:27
by hypnotoes
For those of you past the 70% mark, how are you able to pull this off?
What is it, that I'm not getting?

:sealmato: hypno :sealmato:

Re: Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014 10:28
by Xen
create platoon
dont be potato

Re: Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014 10:34
by hypnotoes
Xen, if it only were that simple don't you think more than 8 IDEALers would have broken the 70% recent?


Or is that "don't be a potato" the thing I need to work on?

Re: Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014 10:40
by Xen
most people don't platoon nonstop or don't try not to play potato

*in platoons I'm actually not happy with anything below 75%

Re: Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014 10:51
by Bowser_nl
3man platoon with proper teamwork and TS yes.

Re: Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014 11:21
by H311fi5h
It's really just the platooning, at least that's what I like to think.
As you may know I play 90% solo, that's why my winrate is quite low compared to my overall stats with little over 60% when playing solo, but over 80% when platooning with good mates. And of course playing TC's helps, although they are kinda dead.

Re: Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014 11:32
by hypnotoes
I can't stand loosing so I guess I'm gonna cut down on my solo play.
I think it'll also help with anger issues.

Re: Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014 13:25
by AaMelon
Look at my recent, going down like butter. Thanks to playing solo during weekend merged with summer holidays, silly me! >.<

Re: Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014 13:40
by SYN_Kollwitz
Tooning and TS.

Tooning will remove one or more potatoes from your team, TS gives you double/triple the Situational Awareness... SA wins you more games than one or two good players.

Re: Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014 13:56
by Xen
BTW, Noobmeter got really inaccurate about a year ago. should always use wotlabs.

people with 69.5%+ WR last 60d

(@nko: get a life PogChamp)

Re: Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014 14:40
by Bowser_nl
Xensation wrote:BTW, Noobmeter got really inaccurate about a year ago. should always use wotlabs.

people with 69.5%+ WR last 60d

(@nko: get a life PogChamp)

70+ master race. :dealwithit:

Re: Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014 15:01
by Kolbur
Win rate is really easy to pad with toons and TCs obviously but one can also easily improve solo win rate (70% solo avg might be impossible though). Playing a shitload of different tanks for the daily bonus is bad for your win rate because you have to re-adapt to a different tank every other battle. I believe it's possible to get close to 70% win rate by playing only your favorite tank a lot of times in a row and focusing on WR. This way you learn everything about that tank and how it can be used efficiently on every map. It might be easier in lower tiers especially with a good crew but not that easy as a lot of people seem to think because of low tier madness. The problem with this play style is that it's not optimal play for gaining xp. Also solo tactics can be quite different to platoon tactics. You have to play more like a camping cunt but also need to know when it's worth it to commit to helping your team mates / lead an attack.

Re: Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014 15:16
by Bowser_nl
Kolbur wrote: but one can also easily improve solo win rate (70% solo avg might be impossible though)..

I'm sure you can carry yourself to 70+ winrate in a tier2. Higher tiers are pretty much impossible to carry solo on a regular basis

Re: Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014 16:37
by wetlioN
played 80-90% solo in the last week and still have 73% wr. platoons help a lot but you need to have decent tanks to carry the game. a t9 or t10 med can achieve this solo, a 3 man t95 platoon might not even get 65%.

Re: Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014 16:41
by Xen
veitileiN wrote:played 80-90% solo in the last week and still have 73% wr. platoons help a lot but you need to have decent tanks to carry the game. a t9 or t10 med can achieve this solo, a 3 man t95 platoon might not even get 65%.

Triple95 will get 70% draws, though. :stopspammingthisshit:

Re: Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014 17:17
by Kolbur
Bowser_nl wrote:
Kolbur wrote: but one can also easily improve solo win rate (70% solo avg might be impossible though)..

I'm sure you can carry yourself to 70+ winrate in a tier2. Higher tiers are pretty much impossible to carry solo on a regular basis

I meant solo win rate over all tanks. On certain tanks it's doable for sure. But even then it's only possible on certain vastly overpowered for their tier tanks like T18 or something with a high pen sniper gun. The lower tiers have some freaking awful tanks with which you can be happy to even get over 50% win rate. With a skilled crew it's much easier of course.
veitileiN wrote:played 80-90% solo in the last week and still have 73% wr. platoons help a lot but you need to have decent tanks to carry the game. a t9 or t10 med can achieve this solo, a 3 man t95 platoon might not even get 65%.

Ventil playing solo? What madness is this?! I don't believe you a word. :P

Re: Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014 18:17
by wetlioN
Kolbur wrote:
Bowser_nl wrote:
Kolbur wrote: but one can also easily improve solo win rate (70% solo avg might be impossible though)..

I'm sure you can carry yourself to 70+ winrate in a tier2. Higher tiers are pretty much impossible to carry solo on a regular basis

I meant solo win rate over all tanks. On certain tanks it's doable for sure. But even then it's only possible on certain vastly overpowered for their tier tanks like T18 or something with a high pen sniper gun. The lower tiers have some freaking awful tanks with which you can be happy to even get over 50% win rate. With a skilled crew it's much easier of course.
veitileiN wrote:played 80-90% solo in the last week and still have 73% wr. platoons help a lot but you need to have decent tanks to carry the game. a t9 or t10 med can achieve this solo, a 3 man t95 platoon might not even get 65%.

Ventil playing solo? What madness is this?! I don't believe you a word. :P

wow rude Kappa

t9 mediums are a sweetspot for carrying solo imo. also played the 430II at least 50% solo and still have >70%.

overall in total idk how much can be achieved solo. if u really grind all the shit tanks in all the lines maybe 65%

Re: Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014 20:51
by Paris_Hilton
i request Kappa Seal Image

Re: Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 21 Jul 2014 21:17
by Pfuf
no doubt you spam Heat all the time when driving the 430 or other T9s :stopspammingthisshit: :stopspammingthisshit: :stopspammingthisshit: w00t! heat-police arrived :P

Re: Breaking 70% W/R

PostPosted: 22 Jul 2014 00:17
by Xen
70% in tier 9 meds is actually perfectly doable (although I don't think I could do it without hardcore gold spam and really trying super hard to the max, if at all)