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Smiley list

PostPosted: 30 May 2015 14:38
by RedlineRailgunningRemmel
The smiley selection when posting doesn't contain all the smiley so can someone with admin rights roll out a list of smiley shortcuts? Like

Code: Select all

Re: Smiley list

PostPosted: 30 May 2015 14:56
by H311fi5h
:eggplant: :eggplant:
:tomatard: :tomatard:
:groove: :groove:
>3 >3 </3
:Oo: :Oo:
>:D >:D >
:dealwithit: :dealwithit:
:( :( Mad seal
O:) O:)
:P :P
:) :)
:deadseal: :deadseal:
:likeasear: :likeasear:
:sealdier: :sealdier:
:! :!
:jelly: :jelly:
>:) >:)
:sealmato: :sealmato:
:D :D
:trollseal: :trollseal:
:xealsation: :xealsation:
:sleepingseal: :sleepingseal:
:O :O
:popcorn: :popcorn:
;) ;)
:waxx25: :waxx25:
:| :|
:smug: :smug:
:angryseal: :angryseal:
:paris_hilton: :paris_hilton:
;( ;(
:pedoseal: :pedoseal:
:pokeseal: :pokeseal:
<3 <3
:roll: :roll:
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

The following smilies are not displayed on the posting page

QBFlip QBFlip
:xen: :xen:
:officer_sexii: :officer_sexii:
PJSalt PJSalt
:sherlock: :sherlock:
BibleThump BibleThump
high5veit high5veit
highveit highveit
highveitmlg highveitmlg
OpieOP OpieOP
4Head 4Head
Fappa Fappa
DansGame DansGame
:xwub: :xwub:
:xfgt: :xfgt:
:xtroll: :xtroll:
:godfather: :godfather:
:bwargh: :bwargh:
:baguette: :baguette:
:tomatardilein: :tomatardilein:
:fab: :fab:
:snoooooop: :snoooooop:
:braveheart: :braveheart:
:race: :race:
:duke: :duke:
:nooo: :nooo:
:xenart: :xenart:
:derpilein: :derpilein:
:kihrex: :kihrex:
:dwi: :dwi:
:fat: :fat:
:nerd: :nerd:
:nou: :nou:
:nou2: :nou2:
:stopspammingthisshit: :stopspammingthisshit:
:party: :party:
:riot: :riot:
:club: :club:
:stallone: :stallone:
:afdb: :afdb:
:xenisafag: :xenisafag:
:omg: :omg:
:xenisafag: :xenisafag:
:brati: :brati:
:gaytroll: :gaytroll:
:arnie: :arnie:
:pilot: :pilot:
:konis: :konis:
:dildo: :dildo:
:gusta: :gusta:
Kreygasm Kreygasm
:facepalm: :facepalm:
FrankerZ FrankerZ
:whatislove: :whatislove:
SwiftRage SwiftRage
Kappa Kappa
PogChamp PogChamp
Keepo Keepo
FailFish FailFish
:pilot: :pilot:

Re: Smiley list

PostPosted: 30 May 2015 15:28
by wetlioN
isnt that exactly the thing that there should be hidden smilies that you dont see right away?

Re: Smiley list

PostPosted: 30 May 2015 15:52
by H311fi5h
Is it? I thought it's more about not flooding the editor window with all this stuff

Re: Smiley list

PostPosted: 30 May 2015 16:45
by Xen
no, it was actually a bug but we intended to keep it as a gimmick, similar to what Twitch used to be like. Some kind of reward for longterm lurkers and to let people discover shit :>

Re: Smiley list

PostPosted: 30 May 2015 16:57
by Tjappi0
H311fi5h wrote:*full quote removed* -xen

Cannot vote so I quote

Re: Smiley list

PostPosted: 30 May 2015 17:27
by Not_a_Tesla
You posted xenisafag only twice >3

Re: Smiley list

PostPosted: 30 May 2015 17:48
by Brati007
now that you can see all in one post, we should clarify that :brati: is the best one :dwi:

Re: Smiley list

PostPosted: 30 May 2015 19:08
by RedlineRailgunningRemmel
:duke: xen is a feg listed twice, i like it. :xenisafag:

Re: Smiley list

PostPosted: 30 May 2015 19:13
by Xen

Re: Smiley list

PostPosted: 31 May 2015 04:04
by HowTheStoryEnds
also Image

still needs to be added, chop chop!

Re: Smiley list

PostPosted: 31 May 2015 10:48
by Tjappi0
Tjappi0 wrote:
H311fi5h wrote:*full quote removed* -xen

Cannot vote so I quote

Cannot downvote so I quote


Re: Smiley list

PostPosted: 31 May 2015 23:44
by Xen

Re: Smiley list

PostPosted: 31 May 2015 23:55
by TheGamingLion
Xen wrote: QBSeal


Re: Smiley list

PostPosted: 04 Jun 2015 16:53
by Dr_Oolen

xen, we need a philososeal/philosealraptor

:troolen: or :philoseal:


Re: Smiley list

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2015 01:09
by Paris_Hilton
Our seal quality has decreased a lot lately :|

Re: Smiley list

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2015 01:18
by TheGamingLion
Paris_Hilton wrote:Our seal quality has decreased a lot lately :|


Re: Smiley list

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2015 02:11
by HowTheStoryEnds
maybe you should contribute to fix it

Re: Smiley list

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2015 08:49
by wetlioN
even if we all work together and try our best ... we will not reach browser_pl level unfortunately :waxx25:

Re: Smiley list

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2015 08:58
by _GLaDOS
HowTheStoryEnds wrote:maybe you should contribute to fix it

his best contribution is that he doesnt contribute anything