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The gold shells & gold consumable debate

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The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby RedlineRailgunningRemmel » 10 Jun 2014 15:17

I use full gold shells and consumables on all tanks now.

Discuss. :popcorn:
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Re: The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby Pastaiolo » 10 Jun 2014 15:18

You failed the trial period kthxbye
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Re: The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby Brati007 » 10 Jun 2014 15:43

how do you do creditwise and is your performance better now ?
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Re: The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby Bowser_nl » 10 Jun 2014 15:56

It's part of the game, you are stupid if you don't use it imo. Game would have been better without gold ammo, but since its there you might aswel take advantage. I fire gold whenever i need too, but i never spam gold without need.
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Re: The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby Not_a_Tesla » 10 Jun 2014 16:05

i agree dat gold ammo sux, and decreases importance of armor (but sidescrapping is always good counter still) but since it's common i started to use it ( in small amounts, like 1-2 HEAT shell per game in mighty t-54) but i still see no sense in spamming more than 15% gold ammo per game.
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Re: The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby Brati007 » 10 Jun 2014 16:18

the time i played more esl (used more gold) i dropped hard in performance cause it changes your playstyle completely, i stopped playing smart and forced out situations i normally would have avoided .. so yeah suxx ... also the 10% crew boost is near to be trivial , in the end i still doubt that it raises performance unless you play 183 or stuff like that only
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Re: The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby nkouhoe » 10 Jun 2014 16:21

I just think its funny how often you see idiots spamming gold in T10 games.
And by spamming I mean it doesnt matter which tank they shoot. Even funnier is when they bounce on your Leopard cause HEAT gets absorbed by the tracks.
Spamming gold is never smart since they reworked HEAT mechanics. And even APCR can sometimes be worse on longer distances. Thats rare though.
I sometimes use APCR for longer distances cause of the shell velocity. For example with T30, dont see a problem there. The extra pen doesnt make a difference when you allready got 276 with normal AP.
Apart from that I spam gold on lower tiers sometimes. On T9+ I dont really need it normally with some exceptions.
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Re: The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby nkouhoe » 10 Jun 2014 16:25

Brati007 wrote:the time i played more esl (used more gold) i dropped hard in performance cause it changes your playstyle completely, i stopped playing smart and forced out situations i normally would have avoided .. so yeah suxx ... also the 10% crew boost is near to be trivial , in the end i still doubt that it raises performance unless you play 183 or stuff like that only

The rations in combination with vents and BIA are really nice.
I tested this on E50 and you really feel a difference there.
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Re: The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby AngryBanana » 10 Jun 2014 16:27

gold ammo should be more like gold consumables IMO, an actual choice(eg FE vs chokoloid) and not just an upgrade 90% of the time. Also stuff like chokoloid doesnt directly nerf other tanks' strongpoints the way sprem does.
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Re: The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby wetlioN » 10 Jun 2014 16:40

AngryBanana wrote:gold ammo should be more like gold consumables IMO, an actual choice(eg FE vs chokoloid) and not just an upgrade 90% of the time. Also stuff like chokoloid doesnt directly nerf other tanks' strongpoints the way sprem does.

this can be achieved by giving gold ammo less dmg which bould balance the shit out of everything. sadly WG is not thinking about it.

i use prem shells and consumables, cuz i can :likeasear:
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Last edited by wetlioN on 10 Jun 2014 16:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby nkouhoe » 10 Jun 2014 16:50

Well Im thinking about to remove the gold shells from my T10 meds. At least from Batchat since it hasnt that much ammo and its an autoloader.
I had several games where those HEAT shells on Batchat didnt help me at all, quite the opposite actually. On T62A I also had too many goldshells since I was too lazy to change to a normal setup. Same shit there. HEAT shells mostly suck in meds in my opinion. At least I fail too often to adapt to the HEAT shells and I dont like that I cant track enemies then anymore.
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Re: The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby H311fi5h » 10 Jun 2014 16:52

Those haters one their crusade against premium ammo and all who use it are more annoying than Jehovah's Witnesses and missionary vegans combined. Everytime I have to read "gold noob" or anything in chat I just want to punch you in the face.
Complain about WG all you want but let the rest of us play our game in peace.
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Re: The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby Swoopie » 10 Jun 2014 16:54

So this is the new "85vs100mm" topic?
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Re: The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby Bowser_nl » 10 Jun 2014 16:55

H311fi5h wrote:Those haters one their crusade against premium ammo and all who use it are more annoying than Jehovah's Witnesses and missionary vegans combined. Everytime I have to read "gold noob" or anything in chat I just want to punch you in the face.
Complain about WG all you want but let the rest of us play our game in peace.

If people call me gold noob i even load some extra gold shells for them. >:D
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Re: The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby wetlioN » 10 Jun 2014 17:06

the only gold usage i often hear which i think is kinda stupid: " he shot gold at me so i shot gold back" :deadseal:

or like imperatore_of_darkness in his 50100: why the fuck do you load gold (t8 game). "i want to be a unicum like you guys."

prem shells and consumables can increase your performance and might even be necessary to stand a tank grind. also the difference in characteristics of each shell ap/apcr/heat might justify it, and im not talking about penetration here.

its available for credits- its your choice to use it.
Bowser_nl wrote:
H311fi5h wrote:Those haters one their crusade against premium ammo and all who use it are more annoying than Jehovah's Witnesses and missionary vegans combined. Everytime I have to read "gold noob" or anything in chat I just want to punch you in the face.
Complain about WG all you want but let the rest of us play our game in peace.

If people call me gold noob i even load some extra gold shells for them. >:D

this is ofcourse perfectly justifiable >:D
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Re: The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby RedlineRailgunningRemmel » 10 Jun 2014 18:25

I use gold too in some situations examples:

    * When having a great game and your team still needs more carrying, i want to make sure i have most chance of penning the remaining targets (only when its cutting it close between a victory or defeat)
    * Decapping shots when i run out of HE or in tanks without HE (Type59, E-25)
    he shot gold at me so i shot gold back

    * I do this, but only at T-54 platoons that are otherwise too imbalanced before they rape everything in sight with dat HEAT.
    * Tanks that are just otherwise too ineffective; FV215 183, E-25, E-100 sniping, but the E-100 is just too damn fun, and i always expect them to shoot HEAT in randoms, i try to keep my distance from those or sidescrape and let tracks do the works.
    * I run out of AP, >>:D

Furthermore I don't see the point of carrying any gold in tier10 meds, they already have mobility, insane aimtime, insane accuracy on some and reload.

Sometimes i loose my cool when battle after battle i get spammed by APCR, HEAT straight away from the first contact, like people dont even try anymore to be smart and aim at weakspots. Also in combination with arty spamming me, I tell them in chat more aiming less gold. Only the get tagged as a mimmimi whore whiner, lol. Lets not tell everyone that every 2-5 games or so, people complain at me or the platoon that our platoon is "too OP" and drown themselves or get called gold whore, eBay account retard and CW nolifer (see signature) just by quick glance at the XVM stats. They never complain when winchance is 60%+, but lel the rage is stronk when they loose that too.

I do however think Wargaming should balance it out more by making prem shells more expensive to more you add or just add a ratio that limits it a bit. The most retarded thing i ever saw was that 268 replay from Quickybaby where the guy that shielded him carried only HEAT shells, what... the.... fuck.... better play Quake3 instagib.
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Re: The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby Marliini » 10 Jun 2014 19:27

Remmke wrote:Sometimes i loose my cool when battle after battle i get spammed by APCR, HEAT straight away from the first contact, like people dont even try anymore to be smart and aim at weakspots

I only recently started to use Large Repair Kits. I had started to use Automatic Fire Extinguishers earlier. One time when the Extinguishers were on discount I decided to stock up while drunk and accidentally purchased Repair Kits. I had tons of them lying around so I decided to put them to use. They are quite nice when the arty who is of course focusing me finally hits and takes out 3-4 modules.
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Re: The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby AaMelon » 10 Jun 2014 19:56

If gold shells, I only use APCR or HESH, nothing else. No HEAT bs, I hate that piece of crap.
And I'm doing fine with it 8)
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Re: The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby Daedal__ » 10 Jun 2014 20:31

Aa_Melon wrote:If gold shells, I only use APCR or HESH, nothing else. No HEAT bs, I hate that piece of crap.
And I'm doing fine with it 8)

Yes there are some minuses to HEAT, but at the same time a very nice plus is the ricochet angle being 85 not 70 degrees like in AP and APCR. This can be used many times, like for example I was in my WZ132 (85mm) and was up on one hill and could shoot through E100 turret roof armor (AP would have autobounced at that angle) (due to gun depr could not hit the stereoscopic rangefinder) , Pretty sure it would work on E75 and other tanks too. Same being said, HEAT can be used against not thick side armored tanks that are sidescrapeing, like T62a which has enough side armor not to get overmatched even by the biggest guns, just aim a bit above tracks. Also no pen loss over distance is nice when you shoot at a target some 500- 600 m away.
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Re: The gold shells & gold consumable debate

Postby Xen » 10 Jun 2014 22:13

Nothing's wrong with premium consumables, they don't break the balance at all, they just add more choices to tank setups (at least the schokoloid does). I use either the auto extinguisher (because lazy) or schokoloid (because stronk) on all my tanks. The T62 has a large first aid kit.

Gold ammo it depends on the tank. I am strongly against it in general and avoid using it, so I don't carry any on most of my tanks, but there are of course exceptions. E-100, VK72 and FV183 are 95%+ gold ammo, since the lulzy derp is the only reason why I play those piles of shit at all. Type 59 depends on my mood. If I want to farm credits fast, I shoot no gold at all. If I play it to yolo into the enemy to have some fun when I'm on tilt I do carry a few gold shells and use them whenever I am not top tier and face something I cannot penetrate (E-50, T-54, T9 HTs).

IMO there's a significant difference between using gold ammo mindlessly to avoid thinking or even to pad your stats and using it when you really don't have any other choice or it'd cost you the victory. Since it's totally unclear where to draw the line and you'll never make everyone agree on the same thing when it comes to premium ammo, we'd be better off with it being removed altogether or limited to CWs/Tcs/etc. only
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