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just a question

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just a question

Postby Trac_uses_hax » 17 Feb 2015 00:18

hey Ideal Wazzup?

I gotta question about your recruitment: How many tier X do you need to join? I know about stats and dmg on tonks but i dunno about the amount of tier X you need. Couldnt find it. Not that I am in a hurry to apply cuz I got some dislikes on comments and my overall stats arent good enough.

Hope to hear from you soon :)

♡ Tractor
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Re: just a question

Postby Xen » 17 Feb 2015 00:21

About 2 should be enough. There's no real requirement, but it's important to know how well you perform at tier 10.
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Re: just a question

Postby H311fi5h » 17 Feb 2015 00:28

Since we are not a CW clan, there is no minimum number of t10 tanks. However most of our skirmishes and platoons are on high tiers, so you should own a few and have some experience on them just to participate in the clan life. We don't judge purely by numers anyway, the question is do you fit into our community. That can be the case with 1 T10 tank, and for someone else it isn't with 20.
We are looking for players with the right skill and mindset, we don't care so much what's in your garage as long as some basics are covered (if you want to play skirmish or participate in campaigns, you probably want to have some of the usual suspects etc.)
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Re: just a question

Postby Trac_uses_hax » 17 Feb 2015 00:48

Heya Thanks for the replies guys! You are fast!

I got 3 atm. almost done with lorr.40t so 2 weeks and I got 4. Ty guys :)

♡ Tractor
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I am here cuz I love pink

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