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Stupidity Redefined

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Re: Stupidity Redefined

Postby nkouhoe » 19 Jan 2015 19:14

kihrEx wrote:I recall one intelligent soul in IDEAL who once bought like 100 speed governors (engine boost thingy's) :D can't remember who it was, vague memory in my head says it was kollwitz or kolbur, anyone confirm?

And to say something to that experiment the guy who got a hold of this account on OP, He's most likely gonna get better games out with it, I played with my friends account for a week or so to grind some tanks he wanted me to play on coz he was unable to play for during that time ( there was some discounts and stuff and he gave me some beer so why not <3 ). I had so many good games overall I enjoyed the game alot more playing on his account than on mine (his account had around 1100wn7/1300wn8 IIRC with 52% WR ).

Y but also cause you dont care that much when playing another account.
At least it was like this for me.
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Re: Stupidity Redefined

Postby H311fi5h » 19 Jan 2015 19:22

Before the auto-equipment mod was introduced I had like 20 camonets and binocs because I was too lazy to move them manually :D
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Re: Stupidity Redefined

Postby SYN_Kollwitz » 19 Jan 2015 21:08

kihrEx wrote:I recall one intelligent soul in IDEAL who once bought like 100 speed governors (engine boost thingy's) :D can't remember who it was, vague memory in my head says it was kollwitz or kolbur, anyone confirm?

And to say something to that experiment the guy who got a hold of this account on OP, He's most likely gonna get better games out with it, I played with my friends account for a week or so to grind some tanks he wanted me to play on coz he was unable to play for during that time ( there was some discounts and stuff and he gave me some beer so why not <3 ). I had so many good games overall I enjoyed the game alot more playing on his account than on mine (his account had around 1100wn7/1300wn8 IIRC with 52% WR ).

Only used a removed speed governor on the football field, so it can't be me..

I do stock up on equipment, and usually have about 30 assorti for tanks I will buy in the future, also I spent 12m on prem ammo the last time it was on sale... Still serves me well ;) (eg. 500 T-54 rounds bought, half of them used by now)
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Re: Stupidity Redefined

Postby Xen » 21 Jan 2015 13:21

Miros went through the support tickets. He sent 12 (+ a load of duplicates). Highlight:

11. Ticket "all artefacts when in battle do not appear, only tank is"

Occasionally everything on screen apart from tanks and the scenery disappear. No on screen info is displayed and the escape button does not work to back out of the battle. There's no map (pressing M) makes no difference. All team and enemy tanks panels are also missing. I have to Alt Tab out of the app then close and restart the application. all from then on works fine.

The great thing about this one is that even WG support doesn't tell him to stop pressing "v"; they ask him to download a WG support program to log a WGCheckLog.wgc.
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